This project was an Internship at Soliton Interactive where I worked on Aeon Wars: Maschinen Crisis as part of my studies as UQAT.
My role was to itterate on the progress the studio had made on the level art for this map and I was given the freedom to choose what I wanted to work on.
I decided to start by replacing the placeholder bridge as it was the least advanced placeholder asset. As the studio wanted to be able to reuse this asset on different maps to create bridges of different proportions, I broke it down into multiple modular assets.
The latest version of the Blender documentation I created is available on Google Drive:
The Landscape was created using Brushify.IO, the level design, HDRI, bunkers, turrets, and covers were done by Soliton Interactive. The rocks, water materials, and some textures were taken from Unreal Engine and Megascans.
Thanks to Kristina Charette:,
Violaine Colin:,
and the team at Soliton Interactive for their support during the project.